Well folks if you are one of those (like me) who thinks that Leno’s chin is more entertaining than his banter then you probably are not terribly interested in whether NBC runs Leno at 10 PM or 11:30 PM. The article in B & C examines in tiresome detail the timing and related issues of NBC and Leno – in fact providing more detailed information than one is likely to find in a article dealing with The President’s Health Care Initiative or the consequences of the current election in Afghanistan. Is TV that important to Americans? Or is that the wrong question? Is the real question more like "does the big business and corporate dominance behind TV work hard at pretending that we care when in fact most of us really don’t?"
I mean issues dealing with the governmental approach to the recession, health care, our various hugely costly and controversial wars are both fascinating and obviously important to World. Yet here again is a typical corporate attempt at setting our agenda in order to control even more of our time and discretionary income and they do it by masquerading as news. Leno – NBC – What time is the show? – does Leno like it? – does Letterman like it? — WHO CARES!!!! Come on people it is nothing but a TV show. Photo: Fame Pictures