Lindsay Lohan can hold her breath waiting for an official apology from the courts.
The doctors over at UCLA blabbed to the media that Lindsay isn’t a drug addict and that she was merely misdiagnosed with ADHD. She was prescribed Adderall for the problem, which was said to be the blame for her weird behavior.
Now, Lindsay may think about suing the courts, but at this time, she only wants an apology.
“Lindsay is fuming – she is really upset that the courts put her through all this,” a source close to the 24-year-old told Pop Tarts, referring to Lohan’s incarceration for violating terms of her probation for a 2007 DUI, and subsequent court-ordered rehab.
The insider said Lohan’s camp was “exploring its options.” But just in case you’re thinking about it, Linds, legal action against the courts is probably out of the question.
“No judge or prosecutor could be sued under these circumstances, they have absolute immunity,” explained Santa Monica-based Criminal Defense Attorney, Steve Cron. “Judge Revel formulated her opinion of Lindsay based on the information she had at the time from another program. The judge could still be dissatisfied with the report from UCLA and seek independent opinions or insist Lindsay be enrolled in other programs.”
It might prove futile to sue the courts, but I don’t really see her getting any kind of apology from them either. If she were a saint and had never admitted to trying cocaine or any other drugs, I could see her point. But it was in the pocket of her “borrowed” jeans in 2007 when she was busted for DUI.
What do you think?