Bristol Palin Must Get Levi Johnston To Agree Before Tripp Goes To Arizona

Bristol Palin Must Get Levi Johnston To Agree Before Tripp Goes To Arizona

Levi Johnston has yet to approve of Bristol Palin taking his son Tripp to live in Arizona.  Without this approval Bristol can’t take Tripp with her to live thousands of miles from Alaska.
In typical Bristol fashion she bought the house in Arizona before getting Levi to agree to his son’s move.  Of course with a couple like Levi and Bristol would we be too harsh to say that PLANNING is not exactly a strength?
In any case Bristol and Levi are scheduled to meet after the holidays to discuss this – according to Levi’s representative “Levi is not at all upset that Bristol is going to Arizona.  After the holidays, Levi and Bristol will get together and discuss plans for Tripp.”

Apparently the only sticking point, as usual, involves money!  The issue confronting the happy ex-couple is who will pay for Levi’s trips to Arizona to see Tripp.  Hope they don’t trip up on this front.