Ashton Kutcher Criticizes Media: ‘People Can Bastardize The Truth In Any Way’

Ashton Kutcher Criticizes Media: 'People Can Bastardize The Truth In Any Way'

Ashton Kutcher, as seen through a recent video blog, is borderline outraged at the current state of the media and it’s “propensity” to report lies–things lacking in fact and seasoned with rumors. He claims that the lower cost of publishing has lowered the credibility of certain media sources and that the general lack of honesty within the industry is rendering it unreliable.

Hm, you’ve timed this rant quite perfectly, Mr. Kutcher.

I wonder if this heavy attack could be related in any way to the rumors being reported about the actor–rumors of an extramarital affair . . . a situation that Kutcher hasn’t directly confronted BTW.

“I just wanted to open up a little dialogue in the state of honesty, the status of truth as it pertains to literature and media,” says Kutcher.

He adds:

“The threshold to have literature printed and distributed — the cost structure went down to zero dollars. Thereby, there is no gatekeeper of the truth. We are our own editors, and we are our own publishers. We are our own printers. Thereby people can bastardize the truth in any way, shape or form they want and spread that around the world … There’s that old saying that a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can leave someone’s lips.”

This whole thing is quite interesting. What do you all thing about Kutcher’s rant? I obviously have problems with it, as not all “self-publishers” and/or private journalists ground themselves in lies, nor do they strive to spread rumors (however, this does clearly exist today). A simple poll is below. please tell us whether you agree or disagree with him. I’m very curious.

 Image Credit to: Apega/