In a funny interview with Good Morning America, Snooki said that, despite what people might think, she CAN read. We repeat, the Snooks CAN read. This is just further proof that Snooki — one of the Jersey Shore stars — is capable of anything and that her talents truly are endless.
You didn’t think you could write a highly acclaimed novel and attract the attention of a Simon & Schuster editor without being able to read, did you? In case you aren’t aware of The Snook’s book, A Shore Thing, which was released back in January, leave this site immediately and go buy it!
Check out how people reviewed the book on Amazon:
This isnt the softest toilet tissue but it does the job, it costs a bit more than regular toilet tissue but it lasts a bit longer.
This is by far the best assisted suicide novel I have ever read. I was literally cutting my wrists as every page was turned. Bravo Snooki!!
If that isn’t enough to make you want to support Snooki’s literary career IDK what will :) The biggest take away message of this post is, of course, that Snooki CAN read. Hey guys, did you know Snooki can read?