At the premiere of her new movie, Joyful Noise, country singer Dolly Parton said that she thinks a performance featuring herself and the cra-cra Lady Gaga would be a really fun time. Honestly, I think it would be an interesting combo. Bring it on!
Parton told E! back in April that she’d very much like to perform alongside the “Born this Way” singer and call herself Lady GooGoo, a title inspired by the GooGoo candy bars famous in her hometown of Nashville.
“We’d be fun together, don’t you think?” the country star said at the premiere. “I think people would love that. But you know, you just wait. Those kind of things happen when they’re supposed to.”
Take the hint, Gaga! We know you’re extremely busy with being ridiculously famous and borderline fabulous, but The Dolly wants you to get in touch. Maybe you could just toss an itsy bitsy tweet her way (yes, folks, Dolly has a Twitter account)?
What do you all think? How would you feel about watching a country legend and a pop icon break it down on a stage? Think that would be a recipe for music gold? Leave your thoughts and comments below.
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