Questions of Khloe Kardashian’s true paternity have plagued the Kardashians for years – long before they were household names. Growing up Khloe always felt different from her siblings because her physical attributes were unlike anyone’s around her (except her mom’s hairdresser’s). At one time she even thought that maybe she had been adopted, but a DNA test she took with her mother Kris Jenner on their reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians proved she was indeed Kris’ daughter. Now the question remains who is her father.
Robert Kardashian was her dad. He not only raised her but he loved her so much that despite knowing that she was the product of one of Kris’ numerous affairs he never asked for a DNA test. In his heart he knew the truth and confided in both his second wife Jan Ashley as well as his widow Ellen Kardashian that Khloe was not his biological daughter.
So who is Khloe’s biological father? Recently OJ Simpson’s manager Norman Pardo revealed to In Touch that Kris slept with OJ while she was with Robert, so OJ could be Khloe’s dad. According to Now Khloe is started to believe that perhaps OJ could be her biological father, and her sister Kourtney Kardashian is urging her to just do the DNA test and put this all to rest. Supposedly – with an emphasis on the word supposedly – a source told Now:
“[Khloe is] totally traumatised by all this, but her sister Kourtney is being a total rock and urging her to take the DNA test. She’s telling her that solving a mystery that’s bothered her for years is the best thing she could do. Problem is, Khloe’s in such a state right now – if it turns out Robert’s not her dad, it could really tip her over the edge. And if it turns out someone as evil as OJ is… well not even someone as tough as Khloe will be able to recover from that.”
So I call BS on all this. I don’t doubt that Kris slept with OJ. She has admitted to having had affairs on Robert, and as OJ’s manager said Kris was known, “for having a good time,” which is just a nice way of saying she liked to party and hook up. However OJ is not Khloe’s biological father because the most likely candidate is Alex Roldan – Kris’ longtime hairdresser. Not only does the time frame match but let’s just be honest here the resemblance between Khloe and Alex is uncanny. U.N.C.A.N.N.Y.
It is said that Kris knows that Alex is Khloe’s biological father and has even slipped him some money in exchange for his signature on a non-disclosure agreement to ensure that he never talks.
So really folks no mystery here – Robert and Bruce “I no longer need an Adam’s Apple“ Jenner have been father figures to Khloe – but her biological father is more than likely her mother’s hairdresser Alex; unless it is just by some odd coincidence Kris was cheating on Robert at the time, slept with Alex (they did have an affair) and they happen to look exactly alike. The question is this – does Lamar Odom know the truth about Khloe’s paternity and if he does will he go public with this now that she filed for divorce?
If this doesn’t make the case for you then nothing will.