Heroes Reborn 2015 Recap – Renautus Builds Cerebro: Season 1 Episode 3 “Under the Mask”

Heroes Reborn 2015 Recap - Renautus Builds Cerebro: Season 1 Episode 3 "Under the Mask"

Tonight on NBC their new show Heroes Reborn with an all new Thursday October 1, season 1 episode 3 called, “Under the Mask” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Tommy (Robbie Kay) finds comfort sharing his ability with Emily; (Gatlin Green) Miko’s (Kiki Sukezane) rescue mission hits obstacles in Japan.

On the last episode, after a terrorist attack in Odessa, Texas, left the city decimated and lived in shambled, those with extraordinary abilities are in hiding after being blamed for the catastrophic event. A new world order had them being hunted by those with nefarious motives, such as Luke (Zachary Levi) and Joanne Collins (Judi Shekoni), who were out to avenge a tragic loss of their son. Meanwhile, Noah Bennet (Jack Coleman) had taken measures to put his old life behind him and start over, until he came face to face with Quentin Frady (Henry Zebrowski), a conspiracy theorist out to uncover the truth behind the Odessa tragedy. Elsewhere, some were discovering their newfound skills. Awkward teen Tommy (Robbie Kay) just wanted to be normal and win the girl of his dreams, Emily (Gatlin Green), but normalcy was virtually impossible after learning of a new ability that terrified him. Coming from a very sheltered upbringing, a bold and ethereal teenager, Malina (Danika Yarosh), has been told she was destined for greatness. In Tokyo, a quiet and unique young woman, Miko (Kiki Sukezane), was trying to track down her missing father while hiding an extraordinary secret that will made her a force to be reckoned with. In Los Angeles, a different type of hero was emerging through former soldier Carlos (Ryan Guzman). For better or for worse, some were fated to cross paths with assorted heroes of the past and together their ultimate destiny was nothing less than saving the world and mankind. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC’s synopsis, “Tommy finds comfort sharing his ability with Emily; Miko’s rescue mission hits obstacles in Japan; Noah seeks the truth; and Malina is guided by an unseen force. Also: The powerful woman behind a global conglomerate reveals her plans to protect the world from Evos; and Luke and Joanne continue on their deadly mission.”

Tonight’s episode of Heroes Reborn is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. Definitely tune into this amazing series! Hit the comments and let us know if you are excited about this new season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#HeroesReborn starts in the Arctic – an invisible entity tells Malina to get ready because there’s another wave coming. Storm clouds form over the ice and Malina says she’s not ready. Her invisible mentor tells her the world will need her soon and she must try. Quentin and Noah steal a truck for the drive to find Molly. Quentin wants to go to the ER for his gunshot wound but Noah says he’ll sew him up later.

Chapter Three Under the Mask

Joanne and Luke listen to the news about the man hunt for Suresh and she asks where he wants to go hunting EVOs next. She says they need this – she needs this. He says he knows. Someone on the radio says he wishes Claire Bennett would have died when she jumped off the ferris wheel. Luke touches the radio to change the channel and the engine dies.

They get out of the car and notice how hot it is. Miko is in the lobby of the tower and one of the guards touches her sword. She tells him not to do that then does battle with all the guards. She tells them to tell her where her father is. She knocks them down but they keep coming. Harris (Prime) comes to the lobby and tells her it’s time to surrender.

She comes at him and he punches her in the face. He knocks her down again and he grabs the sword and says it’s not hers. Molly is taken to a small airport in New Jersey. Francis and Taylor get ready to load her onto the plane but the pilot says Francis is in trouble with Harris. Taylor says to call now. Molly tells them they can’t send her back there. Taylor and Molly get on the plane. Francis is left behind.

Molly screams and fights the men who load her up and Francis says to just get her to Midian. Molly screams that they’re going to kill her and begs them not to do this. They shoot her with a tranq dart to shut her up. Erica Kravis, CEO of Renautus, gives a speech to the board and says they can’t rely on anyone else to solve the problems of the world. She says tomorrow they launch EPIC.

Erica says it will be game changing. She says they got the last piece and says the processor is back in their hands. She tells them doing good is good business. Harris comes in and says a girl with a sword caused a scene in the lobby. He says it’s Hiro’s sword and she claims to be Otomo’s daughter. Erica says to keep her in custody and take care of her.

Carlos grabs a photo from his brother’s board ready to go looking for someone else. Jose shows up and Carlos says he’s closing up shop early. Jose asks if the cops won’t find who killed his dad and Carlos says not to be sure then tells the kid things will get better. In Japan, Ren goes to the tower and finds the guards licking their wounds. He sees Erica come out of the elevators and snaps a pic.

Harris tells Erica they land in Midian later and Ren sees they have the sword. He tells her where they’re holding Miko. Ren hears all this and walks away. He runs into an employee and snags her pass then lets himself into the secured area. Quentin and Noah sit in the ER and Quentin asks how they know the EVOs Noah captured weren’t being used to make tech like Renautus is using Molly.

Noah says not to tell the doctors he got shot. Quentin goes back and Noah looks around then Dr Moore walks up to him and he says he’s surprised to see him back. Noah says he’s passing through. Moore says the last time he saw him was June 13th. Moore asks him to wait a moment then says he’ll be back. He goes to call security but Noah is already in the wind.

The dirty cops have a woman they’re interrogating and Carlos watches through the door. He sees them back her to the window and throw her out. She flies away and one cop complains to the other that they’re out $25k but the guy in charge says he tagged her. Carlos makes a noise and they hear. They take some shots at him and Carlos runs then the priest grabs him and hides him with his EVO powers.

Carlos tells him to never do that again when they swirl back into view from smoke. Harris goes to interrogate Miko. He has a briefcase. He asks where she got the sword. She says her father and he asks if it’s Otomo. He shows her a photo of the lobby and says she appeared out of nowhere. She’s making origami dragons from scraps of paper. Ren sneaks up to that floor.

The guards talk about the girl with the samurai sword as Ren hides from them. He creeps towards the conference room. Quentin comes out looking for Noah and sees news about Renautus then sees the security guys and an announcement about a suspect with glasses. Noah holds a gun on a security guard and he asks why they’re looking for him. Noah says he put a guard in the hospital.

Noah demands to see security footage from last year. Joanne and Luke are at a diner and she talks about their plans as she flips through a file. Luke thinks about their son and asks why they can’t just go home. Joanne says she knows he’s hungry. The waitress brings food and Luke says they should head out to LA. He says they should see the ocean. Joanne says her two guys always loved the water and nods.

Luke goes to cut his steak and his knife turns blistering hot and cooks his rare steak to well done. He’s also really hot. Does he have EVO powers that are manifesting? The guard shows Noah footage and says the time stamp keeps skipping around. Noah says Hiro. We see Noah looking at a body under a sheet and he gets upset. Is it Claire? He demands the guard to pull up hospital records on Claire.

They see he’s with Molly. Quentin is there and startles Noah. Norris, the guard, gets a call to check in. Noah looks at him and runs out with Quentin.

Quentin asks how she could die with her powers. Noah says he doesn’t know and wonders why he had his memory erased. He says Rene told him he wasn’t supposed to know the plan. He says Molly was at the hospital too and like Hiro as well. Noah says Molly may have the answers but worries they’ll digitize her powers.

Molly wakes on the plane. Taylor sits nearby. She asks Taylor if she knows who she is or was paid not to wonder. Molly asks why that place picked up where Primatech left off. She tells Taylor they’re going to kill Francis or turn his powers into an app and tells Taylor she got her BF killed and will do the same to her. In Japan, Harris asks if she has her father’s power or if she’s just his best work. He slides the briefcase closer and she asks what he means.

He asks if she forgot the accident, the death. He opens the briefcase and pulls out a sheath of knives and says maybe he can help her remember. She screams and Ren runs in. She punches Harris then grabs a cleaver and chops his hand off. Ren stares because Harris is not bleeding. His arm is back – digitally. His cut off arm then grows a second of him. He’s like a terminator. He’s Harris (Clone). Harris Prime asks for his watch back and his clone hands it over.

Ren and Miko run out and he shows her the photo of Erica and says she’s the boss and has her sword. He says they went to America and Miko says they have to go. Joanne and Luke steal a Jeep and pull up at a cheap hotel. He tells her to go check them in while he gets some fresh air. She goes to the motel office. The sun comes out and Luke gets way too hot. His hands are glowing. Then his whole body starts to glow with heat. He asks why this is happening and then it seems like he’s consumed with light.

OMG! Was Luke part of the explosion at Primatech? He seems to have the glowy radioactive powers of the guy from Heroes that Peter then absorbed when he almost blew up NYC. In Illinois, Tommy does push ups and his mom asks what girl he’s doing them for. He says he’s going to Brad’s to play video games but she says he’s lying because he’s in his favorite t-shirt. She says he lied so he can’t go. He says he wants to be a normal kid and says she’s not the only one protecting him now.

She asks what that means. He says someone has been sending him texts to help him. She forbids him from leaving the house and he says watch me then portals right past her. She freaks out. At the party, Brad tells everyone that Tommy got the beer for the party. Emily sees his newfound popularity and seems concerned. Harris Prime and Erica are at the EPIC launch and he says Molly should be there soon. Sure enough she’s brought in through a loading bay. Quentin and Noah skitter through the door.

Quentin says they’re in the Death Star and is freaking out. Noah says sorry then punches him in arm where he was shot. Quentin says he hates him and Noah says he knows. Taylor tries to call Francis and can’t reach him. Molly tells her she hopes she can live with it. Taylor tells them to get her to Harris. Quentin staggers into the hall and says he’s been shot. Molly freaks when she sees Noah and says she’s not going anywhere with him. Noah tells her he had his memory wiped.

He says she’s the only one that can tell him what happened and says please. Molly says there’s too much at risk and he shouldn’t have come. Molly runs off but Harris is there and grabs her up. Emily leaves and Tommy follows her out and asks why she’s going. She says he was having fun and Tommy says he wasn’t and doesn’t even like beer. He asks if Brad would be mad if he walked her home and she says it’s fine. Casper the hat man is in the car when he’s accosted by Tommy’s mom Anne.

He says he kept a promise to keep an eye on him and says the world will need him soon. He tells her she needs his help. Anne tells Casper to stay away from him and tells Tommy to get into the car. He asks who she was talking to and then demands he gets in the car. He gives Emily a last look then gets in. Carlos shows up in his El Vengador outfit and warns the flying EVO that the guy is there to get her. He says the way out back is clear and tells her to get to Father Mauricio.

Carlos roughs up the cop and he asks who’s behind him. Looks like guy has powers and starts to kick Carlos’ ass. The guy says Carlos seems to have no powers and kicks him through a wall. He wants to know who Carlos is without the mask and then kicks him out the window. He survived the fall and staggers across the street to get away. At Midian, Molly is shoved into a chair and the EPIC system is brought up. They are ready to bring it online.

There are choppers in the Arctic that are part of the process. Taylor asks her mom Erica about Francis and her mom says they can talk about it tomorrow. They are told EPIC will be online soon. Erica says they’re announcing EPIC which would not be possible without Taylor and says EVOs don’t belong in our bed. Molly screams as something is done to her. Erica takes the stage and Noah is nearby with Quentin. Erica says Renautus has been working on EPIC for years. They plug a cord into her neck.

OMG. Renautus built Cerebro like from X-men to track the mutants. Erica says they can find all EVOs around the world. Erica says the tracking system offers remote viewing of all EVOs. Erica says they can scan anyone, anywhere, anytime. She says EPIC is being used by military and first responders around the world. The men in the Arctic – looks like Harris clone – and they are looking for Malina. Erica puts on the eyewear and says there’s an unregistered EVO among them and has the guards call the guy out.

Quentin says this is terrifying. He says if they can harness all the EVOs, it will be disastrous. Malina is told they’re almost out of time. Noah tells Quentin they have to get to Molly and set her free. Anna drives Tommy and he asks who is the man she’s talking to. He says she has the look she gets when she’s ready to move them. He says they don’t have to go this time. He says he thinks they’re supposed to stay. He asks why all the lights are red and she says they have to go now.

She turns illegally on a red and speeds them away but then they are struck by another vehicle. To be continued…