The Celebrity Apprentice 2015 Recap – Who Got Fired: Shawn Johnson and Lorenzo Lamas Eliminated – Season 14 Episode 4

The Celebrity Apprentice 2015 Recap - Who Got Fired: Shawn Johnson and Lorenzo Lamas Eliminated - Season 14 Episode 4

Tonight my favorite reality show The Celebrity Apprentice returns with a whole new Monday January 19, season 14 episode 4 called, “I Wish I Had a Project Manager” and we have your weekly recap below including details on who got fired tonight. On tonight’s episode Joan Rivers is the guest judge and tonight the teams build a shoe boutique inside a media truck and organize an outdoor marketing event. Later, the celebrities produce a viral video to promote single-serve coffee cups. Boardroom advisers include Joan Rivers.

On the last episode, the celebrity teams created a fitness advertorial for Cosmo Body Magazine. Two members of the men’s team solidified their rivalry, while the women fought over who should be the fitness model for their photo shoot. Boardroom Advisors: Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump, Jr. In the second hour, the project managers fought hard to make the most money for their charities by selling wedding dresses. One celebrity had a panic attack and disappeared from the team, while another tried to redeem herself from a past fundraising blunder. In a dramatic boardroom, Mr. Trump sent another celebrity home. Boardroom Advisors: Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC synopsis, “the teams are on their best behavior when Joan Rivers and Ivanka Trump serve as Boardroom Advisors for the first task. Each team must build an Ivanka Trump-Nordstrom shoe boutique inside a Media Truck and throw an outdoor marketing event to launch the new Ivanka Trump “Power Up” Campaign. The gloves come off in this boardroom, and Mr. Trump knocks another Celebrity out of the competition. In the second hour, the teams create a viral video to promote the Chock full o’Nuts new single serve coffee cups. Two teammates have an all-out cat fight on the streets of New York City, and in the Boardroom, the tension mounts until Mr. Trump sends another Celebrity packing. Boardroom Advisors: Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump.”

The show airs tonight at 8PM and you do not want to miss all the drama, cat fights and bitching. You also do not want to miss seeing who is fired and who will eventually be crowned the winner. So don’t forget to come back to this spot for our live recap of the Celebrity Apprentice Season 14. While you wait for our recap let us know how you are enjoying this season of The Apprentice.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Brandi congratulates Ian on making it through the boardroom. Sig tells them they’ve made it halfway through at the five week point. Shawn says she’s the underdog because she’s the youngest and gets ignored a lot. The late great Joan Rivers (and former Celeb Apprentice champ) is on this episode. She walks in with Trump and they are all in the showroom of the Ivanka Trump fashion collection. He brags on his daughter and says she’s picking the task.

Ivanka says her lifestyle brand is for modern working women. She wants them to create an event for her shoe line for Nordstrom. The Power Up marketing campaign will be the foundation for their event. Sig asks why all the tasks have been so feminine and says he can’t find his penis in the morning. Shawn says she has no clue and backs away from the task. She doesn’t know about fashion or marketing. Vivica steps up even though she’s been PM before. Kenya steps up for the other team.

The teams have to create a mobile boutique to promote the shoe line. Kenya says they should replicate the Nordstrom feel with the piano. She asks Brandi to start a list. She also wants a chandelier. Leeza doesn’t like this and says she doesn’t see how this target millennials. She sends Ian and Johnny to the prop store to get a piano and other things. Geraldo starts trying to take charge (as usual). He wants to use the I in Ivanka to be – I am a mom, I am a business woman. Geraldo says he’s amazed at his own creativity (ass).

Shawn suggests black carpet and small comfy couches to make it easy and comfortable. Shawn wants to make it like a Nordstrom dressing area. Lorenzo says it should look like a Nordstrom store and suggests hiring a barista. Kate and Shawn will do the interior of the truck. Vivica says she doesn’t get why Shawn hasn’t stepped up since she has good ideas. Vivica and her team is over checking out their truck. She’s disappointed at how small it is. Geraldo wonders if they can have tables outside of it.

Lorenzo says if they can do more of it outside, that’s great. Geraldo suggests setting up a coffee bar outside. Geraldo calls Kate and Shawn and says they have to set up a cafe setting outside. They grouse since they were already shopping. Kate says that makes her nervous and says it’s no longer the comfortable Nordstrom feel. Vivica gets the phone and says it’s small and no drapes. Shawn says they already have $500 worth of fabric cut.

Vivica is completely annoyed with Shawn and Vivica says if they can’t get out of the fabric to buy it. Kenya and her group are trying to figure out how to set up their van. She wants to squeeze in a baby grand and a chandelier. She works up an idea on power up your “sole.” Kenya thinks it’s amazing but Leeza says they don’t have a concept, just tag lines. Kenya asks Ian to get photos of the shoes to create an interactive experience. He’s snapping photos of heels. Brandi talks to Leeza to try and get this.

Brandi says she’s confused about the exact concept. Kenya says the team knows that she’s the strongest player creatively speaking and thinks Brandi is jealous of that. Kate, Shawn and Sig make it back with décor. Kate asks Vivica to explain the new concept to her. She doesn’t get it and says she doesn’t get the cafe combined with trying on shoes. Kate says they’ve shoved them out and says if it’s a sinking ship, they’ve done what they can. Kate is upset and Vivica is annoyed with them.

It’s a rainy day and Kenya says this isn’t looking good for their outdoor stuff. The baby grand shows up and Kenya says she wants it to be the centerpiece. She is playing with time while Brandi is panicking over time, as is Leeza. She says Kenya is focused on the chandelier instead of the more important stuff. Brandi says they’re all in trouble. Brandi says even if Kenya is a bad project manager, she still wants to win. Leeza says she wishes she had a broom and Brandi says she wishes she had a project manager.

Over at Vivica’s truck, they are speeding along when the coffee guys show up. The shoes are all inside the truck and Kate says she doesn’t see the connection between the cafe outside and the shoes inside. The baristas set up the coffee experience. Fortunately, the sun comes out and it’s drying up. Vivica’s team is handing out coffee and sending them in to see the shoes. Lorenzo says people are enjoying it. Joan Rivers shows up and Lorenzo gives her a kiss.

She asks Joan to come into the truck. Joan steps up and asks how the flow works. She asks about the order of coffee versus shoes and says they did a good job. She smooches Geraldo and heads out for the other team. Ian and the others are inviting people in. They have a guy giving foot massages, are giving out green shots and a lot of other stuff. Joan shows up and asks about the slogans they have featured on the walls. Leeza shows her the interactive show show on the tablet and on the big screen.

Joan asks Leeza if they have a pair of shoes in a six bunion. Kenya thinks they impressed Joan. Ivanka and Tacey Powers from Nordstrom show up. They step into the truck and Kenya says they wanted to reflect Nordstrom yet keep it clean and simple. She asks about the slogan – powering up your sole. Kenya is nervous and trying to impress. Kenya talks about the sophistication of Nordstrom and how they were trying to reflect it.

Sig says it just looks like a giant cafe and you don’t see the shoes and worries that’s a danger. Ivanka and Tacey show up and Lorenzo and Geraldo greet them. Ivanka says she’s going to get a coffee and see how it goes. Ivanka and Tacey say hi to Shawn then head inside for the tour. Kate says the clients like the animal prints and 9 to 5 shoe. Vivica talks up saying they were making it accessible and like the buyer could be like Ivanka. Vivica says when she’s project manager, they make a mad dash to the win.

The teams come into the board room and Joan and Ivanka are both there with Trump. He says Joan was a great champion and asks Kenya if she can be like Joan. Trump says they both did well but Ivanka had a clear favorite. Kenya says she tried to please Ivanka and listened to what Ivanka wanted. She says Brandi worked well with everyone this time. Trump says that’s a major statement. Kenya says she worked her magic on her. Brandi says they came together as a team to put their best foot forward.

Brandi says Kenya did a good job. Geraldo says to send that topic to the middle east. Leeza says Kenya was good but they started out with some disorganization. He asks Ian about the slogan – power up your sole. Ian says it was Kenya’s. Ivanka says she liked Vivica’s I am concept but says it wasn’t a concept slogan. She says from a slogan standpoint, Kenya’s was more catchy. Trump asks Vivica who was bad and she says Shawn and Kate offered resistance when the concept changed.

She says they were out shopping when it changed. Kate says it frustrated her because of a lack of leadership and delegation. Kate says she does think they won – she says she was asked to pick up plastic flowers but didn’t see Ivanka as a plastic flower person so she got fresh. Ivanka says – congratulations, you got flowers. Ivanka agrees that fake flowers would not be on brand after Vivica pitches a mini fit. He asks Vivica about Shawn and if she’s stepping up.

She shakes her head but then gets teary and says she doesn’t want to be the mean girl. She says she should have stepped up to be PM for this challenge. Ivanka says Vivica’s presentation was on-brand and she liked the coffee shop. She says the women were very representative of her brand but forgot the product and there wasn’t an emphasis on the shoes themselves. Joan says the coffee was brilliant but people might not realize the shoes were there.

Ivanka says to Kenya that her experience was not for the millennial customer but says from a creativity standpoint, she went above and beyond and took it to another level. She tells Kenya she threw a lot more darts at the wall. Kenya is thrilled that her team won. Kenya says her charity is the Detroit Public School System Foundation. He sends Kenya’s team out to go upstairs and watch. Kenya says “I won” and then finally is gracious enough to thank the team. They sit down to watch the board room.

Ivanka tells Vivica that the other team integrated the product better even though Vivica understood her brand. Trump asks Sig who they should fire and he says it should be Vivica if it was the managerial part. Kate says they lost because of lack of leadership and says there’s no one else to peg it on and says there was a lot of confusion. She says Vivica told her to rescue her with her décor. Vivica tells her not to put words in her mouth.

Vivica talks over her and Kate says they added details to help out. Kate says Shawn is an A player but Vivica overshadows and just crowded them out. Ivanka says there was a different energy level. She says Lorenzo and Geraldo were really into it. She says Shawn was much more laid back and not as excited and has less energy. Kenya says Shawn doesn’t have a chance since she didn’t step up to be PM. Joan says there was a lot of energy with Vivica and the guys.

Joan says she saw great leadership there. Trump tells Vivica to pick two people and predictably, she brings back Kate and Shawn. Trump asks Geraldo who is the strongest of the three and says Vivica. He says there were problems but they still did pretty well. Trump asks them to step out and tells Kenya’s team to turn off the TV. Upstairs, they discuss who could be going home. Many say Shawn but a couple say Vivica as project manager.

Trump asks Vivica why she brought back Kate and Shawn. She says she had resistance from them and low energy. Trump asks if they’re the reason that we lost. Ivanka asks who’s the weakest of the two and who will be more useful going forward. Vivica says Shawn works hard. Kate smirks and Trump asks about her look. Kate says she’s shocked. Vivica says she has respect for Shawn but says others have a negative influence on her. Shawn says that’s not true.

Shawn says she has all these women approaching them thinking that she’s young and clueless and says she sees what’s going on but allows them to think this. Trump asks why she didn’t step up to be PM. He asks Kate how it was when she was PM. Kate says she won. Shawn says the task was so foreign to her. Ivanka says her being young was an advantage. Shawn says it could have been a fault that she didn’t step up. Shawn says it’s hard to see now.

Trump says in this case, she’s flown under the radar for many weeks. Shawn says, if you look back at the tasks, she had a strong voice. Shawn says it was her idea to dress it as a Nordstrom showroom. Trump says she likely would have won it but she didn’t step up. He fires her. Vivica is upset that she wasn’t able to get Kate fired instead. Shawn leaves. Joan says she’s a champ and will be fine. In the car, Shawn says she made a mistake not being PM since she had great ideas. She says this was a great learning experience for her. Shawn Johnson is fired!

Kate and Vivica come back in. Kate thinks Vivica got lucky and it should have been on her. Geraldo tells Vivica and Kate to make up so they can work together on the next task. The teams meet Trump and he talks about the coffee company Chock Full O Nuts. He introduces Brian and he tells the teams they need to make a viral video using Go Pro videos to make an action-packed video. They will be judges on creativity, brand messaging and entertainment value.

Leeza is doing it for the one team and Lorenzo for the other. The winner gets $40k for their charity. Back in the war rooms, they get to work. Lorenzo says he’s directed TV and movies before but has never directed a viral video. (Hello, you can’t make a viral video – you can make a video and hope it goes viral, but that’s an abuse of the terminology. I digress) Geraldo starts humming the coffee jingle and Lorenzo says he has to sing it in the video.

Geraldo suggests doing it the old way and then make it a rap song. Kate and the others like it. Lorenzo says Geraldo can get great ideas (but sometimes not). He wants Geraldo dressed up in the coffee outfit. He wants to film in the park. They are going from black and white to color and Sig reminds they need to include the little k cup. Leeza tells Ian she wants him to direct and execute. She asks them to brainstorm. Ian says it’s an old brand and talks about black and white.

He says they should go across a building and then go across the Empire State building and then have King Kong and him falling down. Kenya thinks it’s insane since they have four hours. Brandi says for a viral video it needs to be looser and fun. Leeza then asks Kenya if she and Brandi might bring their fight into it as part of the video. Kenya says they need to flesh it out and Brandi says she’ll do it for the team.

Ian says Johnny can walk up to a coffee cart and Kenya says they can be waiting on coffee and they can get into a girl fight and then it can turn into a sexy girl fight. Leeza says it’s so real life and that guys all go there. She says they need to go there and Johnny says he’s already there. Kate, Geraldo and Sig go shop for costumes while Vivica and Lorenzo go to look at the scene. The others show up and Geraldo has a top hat and tux on. Lorenzo says he’s ready for this.

Geraldo says he’s ready to sing and dance. He says he’s been offered a lot of money for endorsements and he’s doing this for free. Lorenzo starts shooting with Geraldo while Kate is in hair and makeup getting done up as a 1950s housewife. She has someone from Ted Gibson’s salon there and is thrilled. Lorenzo shoots product shots and they’re waiting on Kate but she’s getting made up still. Kate says people think Vivica is more capable than she is because of her busy body dramatic attitude.

Leeza’s team is out at the park and they decide to make a mock coffee shop. They enlist a food truck and put up labels. Ian is in the scene instead of outside shooting and she doesn’t like it when he grabs the camera from her hand. She says he’s belittling her. Ian says he’s been directing over 20 years ago. He says he has to step up but Leeza says they have to get to the cat fight since that’s the money. She tells him they have to move on. Kenya says she needs to reel Ian in.

Kenya says Leeza is letting Ian bulldoze her. Kate is finally done and Lorenzo says the 50s hair is cool but it took a long time and they have no time to waste. Lorenzo says they’re losing light and can’t use Kate for the modern part since hair and make up took so long. Leeza is ready to shoot the Kenya vs Brandi cat fight. Brandi says she would like to beat the crap out of her. They each call for a taxi and then get into a fight with it. They yank at each others clothes.

Brandi calls her a stupid bitch and they start tussling. Kenya says Brandi has a habit of going too far and doesn’t know how to behave. Leeza says it’s funny and Ian says they enough. Lorenzo and the others rush to get the modern shots. Lorenzo lays out the few steps they need to do. Lorenzo is struggling to get Geraldo to show some rhythm but says he’s rhythm challenged. Sig has an idea and says to film tight and then get a can of coffee rolling by. Lorenzo doesn’t like it.

Lorenzo says Sig catches fish and that isn’t a guy who directs video. Sig says he felt under-utilized and doesn’t want Trump to think he’s not trying. Sig says they use Go Pros on his Deadliest Catch and thinks Lorenzo could be using them better. Back at the studio, Kenya and Brandi are going to film a fantasy girl fight. Kenya says she hopes the risk pays off. They roll around on the bed together. Brandi says she thinks Kenya is going to smother her with her giant knockers. Leeza says they want to be provocative but not tarnish their brand. Leeza says they won’t know until they hear from the company.

That night, the teams are rushing to edit. Ian isn’t happy with the footage he has and he won’t listen to Leeza, Kenya or Brandi. Brandi says they don’t have enough of the product in the video. Ian tells her to go work outside and she says she won’t go out. He says she’s distracting. He tells her she hasn’t even seen the finished product but she has all these opinions. She says they’re a team and she’s offering helpful suggestions. Brandi says her concerns are it being too provocative and not enough brand messaging.

The other team heads to the edit bay with two hours left. Lorenzo is stressed out and starts to direct the edit process. Geraldo says they hit brand messaging hard. Lorenzo says they think it’s viral and says he loves it. They all seem to like it. Lorenzo says if it doesn’t get picked, he can’t blame anyone but himself. They all fist bump with the editor and everyone seems pleased with their video. The teams come in to introduce the videos.

Leeza and her crew are first. The Trumps seem to like it but the executive wasn’t smiling as much. Kenya says if they lose, Leeza should be fired. Lorenzo and the others come in and play theirs. The executive also doesn’t smile during theirs. Maybe he’s not a smiler. Sig says they won’t know how they did until they get into the boardroom and Trump jams his fist down their throat. The teams come in – Geraldo is still in his tux outfit.

Trump asks Leeza how she likes her team and she says they don’t have any weak links but did have some shining stars. Brandi says Leeza is smart and has project managed in support on many projects. Leeza says Brandi and Kenya got along well and even stepped more into their personas for the video. She says their rift was actually beneficial. Trump says he tells Leeza she has a nice way of presenting things. Kenya says Leeza has an Emmy and Trump says he got screwed out of one and even stood up because he thought he was going win.

He asks Lorenzo if he won and he says they did and had a great time filming. He asks who was the star and Lorenzo says it was all of them. Trump asks if they lose, who gets fired and he says he wants to see what happens. Trump asks Kate and she doesn’t tell him anything he wants to hear. He moves onto Vivica and she says Kate did a good job but took a little too much time. Vivica says Kate was their weakest, but still did really well. Trump asks to watch the videos.

I have to say that Lorenzo’s commercial just looks like a poorly made commercial, not a video that could go viral. Brandi says it was cute and very old-fashioned and when you think viral you think modern. She says it was adorable but safe. Johnny says there’s is better and they show the other team’s. Trump says that one is really out there. Lorenzo says they did a good job. Trump asks Kenya how that was to shoot.

She says she’s a professional but says Brandi takes personal shots at her that are uncalled for and then she takes some cheap shots. Brandi just shakes her head at it. Kenya says Brandi’s husband left her for someone younger and prettier. (I’m sorry, on what planet is LeAnn Rimes prettier than Brandi. She’s cute at best and mostly just looks meh.) Trump tells Brandi she’s very pretty and the other guys agree. Ivanka says they thought Lorenzo did a good job with the product but it felt like a commercial instead of a viral video.

Brian says the coffee people thought it was edgy and loved that they used Brandi and Kenya and their story but they missed brand messaging. They only had the product in the opening shot and didn’t talk about the single serve coffee. Trump says the winner is Leeza’s team was much better. Trump says it wasn’t even close and asks Leeza about her charity which is Leeza’s Care Connection that helps family caregivers. He tells her she did a great job. He sends Leeza and crew upstairs.

Upstairs, Leeza and the others have champagne and turn on the TV to watch the board room. Lorenzo says he’s surprised and says he really thought they brought it. They can’t blame this on Kate plus Late. Vivica says the other team’s commercial was very T&A. She says they tried to respect the brand and Trump asks who he should fire. She says Kate should be fired for holding up production. Trump is stunned with that answer. Kate says it’s always her.

Kate says Vivica is very dramatic and says there’s no merit in what Vivica says. She says in everything she does in life she kills it or doesn’t do it. Kate says she takes a moment and thinks things through and doesn’t move as fast, but is more even. She says Vivica isn’t as busy as it seems from her movement. Kate says the reasons they lost were in his hands to steer. He asks if she should fire Vivica and Kate says no. Trump says it wasn’t even close. He tells Lorenzo to choose two people.

Lorenzo says he doesn’t feel good doing that. He says they worked hard and they were all stars. Leeza asks if he’s going to take the bullet. Trump asks if he has to take full responsibility as project manager. Lorenzo says he’s not ready to go and has a reason to be there. Trump says since he’s not willing to bring two people back, he has to fire Lorenzo. They all hug him and tell him they thought they had won it. Wow. Vivica is a total beeotch – what has she got against Kate? Lorenzo Lamas is fired!

Ivanka says what Kenya said about Brandi was just awful and her dad agrees. Lorenzo says it was right that he was sent home. The show ends with an “In Memorium” dedication for Joan Rivers.