Details are already emerging over their pre-nuptual agreement. Before the marriage Federjerk was earining approx. $30,000 a year. During, their marriage Federjerk cashed in on a free Brit Brit Credit Card. Now that his free ride is over America’s Most hated is going to be wishing he paid more attention to keeping Brit Brit happy. This is what Federjerk will not get:
1.Federjerk won’t touch a penny of Britney’s money. All the millions belonging to Britney will stay that way. The mansion will be divided 50/50.
2. Any gift given worth over $10,000 will go back to the original purchaser. This includes a custom-built motorcycle Brit gave Federjerk for Christmas 2 years ago.
3. She will still support him for a little while longer. Brit will pay Kevin $30,000 a month for the period of time that is half the length of their marriage. Meaning he’ll be well sneakered until at least a year from now.
4. Spears won’t pay child support. Federline is responsible for supporting his other two children with Shar Jackson.
The end of all this:
HA HA, Federjerk America gets the last laugh!
UPDATE: Actually, things might not go as smooth. Apparently, over the last two years the prenup has been revised. She changed it after the first year.
1. He gets a certain amount for each child
2. He can even write a tell all book when they divorce.
We still get the last laugh though. Federjerk is still going to end up with a lot less either way. He won’t have what he does now!