Madonna and Guy Attending a Marriage Consellor

Madonna and Guy Ritchie have reportedly been seeing a marriage counsellor in a desperate bid to save their six-year union. They have allegedly been seeing top marital therapist Tricia Barnes after their relationship hit “rock bottom”, following the couple’s controversial adoption of a Malawi baby.

A source told Britain’s People newspaper: “The marriage is near rock-bottom. They’ve been putting on a united front in public but behind closed doors their marriage has come under strain. The publicity surrounding the adoption has created a difficult atmosphere in their home. After a heart-to-heart they decided to seek the help of a marriage guidance specialist.”

Guy and Madonna’s relationship – which has previously been rocked by the singer’s busy work schedule and her fascination with the Kabbalah – reportedly came under a new strain after Guy felt left out from the highly-publicised adoption battle for fourteen-month-old David Banda.

The source added: “Madonna and Guy both dote on little David but it is her attitude that can irritate and upset Guy. She drove the whole adoption process from start to finish and Guy was left trailing in her slipstream just nodding and going along with things.”


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