Ben Affleck has revealed that he seriously regrets his high profile engagement to Jennifer Lopez. The couple were engaged to be married in 2004, but just months before they were due to marry, the whole affair was called off and since then both parties have kept their mouths shut as to why. Now that Affleck is back in the limelight to promote his new film ‘Hollywoodland’ he has once again been asked to spill the beans on his relationship with the singer/actress.
According to FemaleFirst, Affleck said recently: “I should never have got engaged and never gone down that route. I thought I wanted certain things, but I didn’t. I got lost and felt suffocated, miserable and gross.”Being in the middle of a tabloid frenzy, it became so intense I had to stop and think, ‘What am I doing with my life?’ “I had to smile for the cameras, but I was really in turmoil. I was no longer in control of my life and I didn’t know which way to turn. I felt like a hamster in a cage. The faster my legs went, the less distance I seemed to travel”.