Big Surprise – Los Angeles Sheriff’s Dept. thinks Paris Hilton might have got SPECIAL treatment!

An internal investigation has been launched by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department to find out whether Paris Hilton received special treatment while behind bars.? The probe will look into allegations that she was given free access to a cordless phone (other inmates have to wait in line for a pay phone at certain hours) and received a new jail uniform rather than a recycled one, sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore said.

“We’re going to investigate it and get to the bottom of it and find out exactly what happened,” Whitmore told the Associated Press Friday.?? The investigation, opened Thursday, will also examine claims that the heiress, who served 23 days in jail for violating her probation in connection with a previous DUI arrest, had her mail delivered by a captain instead of inmate workers, according to Whitmore.?? The allegations were brought to the department’s union, the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs, by its members, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Whitmore said that the allegations are not in line with the department’s own understanding of Hilton’s jail time.?? Sheriff Lee Baca, who was called before lawmakers to testify about Hilton shortly after her release, said that the heiress actually suffered because of her fame.

“Everyone who goes in to serve county jail time is early-released,” Baca said. “If Ms. Hilton got preferential treatment, it’s that she spent more time in the county jail than the average inmate.”???Source?

Annemarie LeBlanc:
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