Britney & K-Fed have 2nd counseling session

Though it could be days (or seconds!) before Britney Spears and Kevin Federline hear what the judge has ruled in their custody battle, that hasn’t stopped the former paramours from playing nice with each other, as they met up again Monday afternoon for another court-ordered counseling session.

This time, the meeting site isn’t the swanky Beverly Hills Hotels, but a conference room in the posh Four Seasons in L.A.. By all appearances, the confab, which ended without any apparent squabbles around 2:30pm PT, the exes are playing nice.

“Britney is behaving herself,” one insider explains to OK!. “She appears to finally be doing what the court ordered.” But with the judge weighing his decision in his chambers already, is it too little, too late to make a difference? Source

Annemarie LeBlanc:
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