Britney Spears and Kevin Federline Officially Divorced Today

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline will officially divorce today.

Just minutes ago, Spears’ lawyer, Laura Wasser, and Federline’s lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, walked into court with the final papers in hand to get a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge to sign-off on the settlement, making the divorce final.

Wasser will make a motion to keep the custody and spousal support orders secret. K-Fed is pulling in 15K a month from Britney for child support. He’s also getting 20 grand a month in spousal support, but that’s based on the prenup, and it appears the alimony will come to a screeching halt in November.

As for custody, it will stay at 50/50. However, Brit nor Fed-Ex are happy with the custody arrangement, and either of them can go back to court and ask for a change. On top of that, Kevin won’t even speak to Spears, so they will probably be back in court asking the judge to make decisions about child rearing.

There are reports K-Fed will go to court as early as this week to get full custody. That doesn’t make a lot of sense, since our sources say K-Fed has signed-off on the 50/50 custody split. He may not be happy, but it doesn’t seem he’s ready for all-out war either.
