Britney Spears’ Parenting Coach Submits Official Report

(A new outtake from Britney’s, Blackout. WTF? I’ve seen 2 cent transvestites that look better!)

Britney Spears’ parenting coach has submitted her report to the court and it is not in Britney’s favor.

The two-and-a-half page report says Britney totally ignored the coach and in fact didn’t acknowledge her presence. The coach says she was unable to teach Britney anything, because Spears didn’t want to listen.

The report concludes that Britney often ignores her kids and lives in her own little world.? Britney often disappeared and wasn’t around the kids or the coach. Britney spends a lot of time on the phone and changing clothes.

Yeah, Britney got her wish! No more kids!


Robyn Good:
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