Britney Spears Should Shut Her Mouth!

Britney Spears should really shut her mouth. In this clip she screams at a paparazzi “When are you going to get on a diet, ever tried weight watchers. you fat fuck. why don’t you run. you need to fuckin jog. you fuckin pussy. yeah, run. run bitch.”!

Firstly, she is not one to talk about weight! %99.99 of the time she looks like shit! She walks around like a skanky 12 year when she has two children.

Secondly, what a freakin’ lousy mom swearing in front of her kids like that! You can even hear her kids crying in the back, but she is swearing at the photogs! Maybe, she should try fixing her life before she shouts insults.

Thirdly, she lives off these guys. Where would she be right now without them? She tries use the pap for her advantage, but when she doesn’t feel like having them she does this?

Britney why don’t you grow a brain! Your not Miss Sunshine!

Robyn Good:
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