Britney Spears Wants Justin Timberlake

It is rumored that Britney Spears has been trying to phone former flame Justin Timberlake, but he’s not taking her calls Justine Timberlake isn’t keen on any love rematch.

Apparently, Cameron Diaz, got wind of the calls, she didn’t like it one bit and has tried to get through to Britney’s people to ask her to stop calling her old boy.


Girl, why would he want you! Justin is a the top of his game and is respected. You look like and act like you just walked out of a trailer. He could get any girl he wants… Like a girl that didn’t cheat on his ass and then ruin her entire life!

3 responses to “Britney Spears Wants Justin Timberlake”

  1. Anonymous says:

    WOW! I think this is all BS. I think if they wanted to be together – they would, and we would not see it for a long time.

    I have also heard that he sent flowers for her Aunt…. hard to believe that he won’t take calls – but sends flowers… that wouldn’t make sense.

    Ya think?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Britney now has two kids and has been around the block and gutter at that! Justin needs someone single with no kids or baggage. Jessica Biel or Scarlett Johanesen would be super.

  3. says:

    Justin can help Britney to clean her image