“GO cry to your bald mom, you [bleeping] loser,” Charlie Sheen wrote to Denise Richards in an e-mail the actress included in documents filed last week in L.A. Superior Court in the couple’s custody battle.
“You are a pig. A sad, jobless pig who is sad and talentless and sad and jobless and evil and a bad mom, so go [bleep] yourself sad jobless pig,” reads another. “You are an evil piece of [bleep]. I can’t wait to tell the world what a piece of [bleep] you are. You don’t get a [bleeping] dime till this is resolved,” says a third e-mail.
Richards says in her court filing that she was particularly hurt by the one about her mother, who is undergoing chemotherapy treatments for cancer. Pictures of Sheen’s “erect penis” that Richards says he used for his profile on sex sites are also included, which Richards claims he e-mailed to “approximately 30 women.” “I’d love to give it to you any time,” Sheen wrote to one woman under the screen name “mrjonze55.”
Richards says Sheen even visited gay pornography sites – “which I found even more disturbing because I felt that the boys looked underage,” the documents state
Sheen said through his spokesman, “I will not dignify the majority of these allegations with any measure of response. On its best day it remains laughable and inane.”
I really don’t know what to believe anymore – sometimes I think she is in the wrong and the others him. One think is for sure these two don’t like each other! This divorce keeps getting worse and worse… Source