Dick Donato Wins Big Brother 8!

We are ecstatic here at Celebrity Dirty Laundry. We have been routing for Dick since day one. He played the best game and spewed the least bullshit out of all the hypocrite house guests. Plus, he is the only one that I actually see myself liking in real life.


I can’t wait till Jameka, Amber, and Dustin realize America hates them!


Jameka, please take a religion class and learn your religion properly. You made a mockery out of religion. Shame on her for making a mockery of religion.


Amber, please take some meds because you will need them once you learn that the most “PATHETIC” person is you! No modeling, no motivational speaking! I see CIGARS….. CIGARETTES….. COCKTAILS… in your near future.


Here is a Classic Dick Moment! Beware of the language, Dick doesn’t hold back!


Robyn Good:
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