PARIS Hilton and her dad picked dollars over friendship when they made a big-money deal to chat with NBC, Barbara Walters re vealed Wednesday. Walters said she expected to score the first post-jail chat with Hilton be cause she had been talking with the pam pered princess while she was locked up and was friends with the whole family, The Post’s David K. Li reports. “I kinda figured I’d get the interview,” Walters said on ABC’s “The View.” “It turns out there were other considerations.” That’s when NBC blew ABC out of the water with a big-money offer, Walters said. The Post first reported NBC had agreed to pay the Hiltons $1 million – be fore the network backed out due to public outrage. “NBC’s was much more, and Rick Hilton said to me, ‘You know I owe you one, and I’m sorry, but we’re going to go with NBC,’ ” Walters recalled. Hilton even tually went with Larry King.?? Source