I’m Really Getting Sick of All These Britney Spears Stories!

The National Enquirer is report that Kevin Federline has caught Briney’s Boozing, Drug Use & Violence on Videotape. The videos are so shocking that getting custody wouldn’t be an issue. ?It?s more than getting custody of the kids- in Kevin?s mind it?s rescuing them. He thinks Britney is an unfit mother and he wants his children away from her ASAP,? said a source close to Federline. ?If he doesn?t act immediately, Kevin is convinced that Britney?s drug use, boozing and out-of-control behavior will result in a tragic accident.?

To bolster his case, Kevin has obtained video footage from 15 surveillance cameras that Britney installed in their $12 million mansion is Malibu. The sophisticated security system recorded activity in the home from the front gates to the kitchen in 2005 and 2006, according to insiders. ?This is the smoking gun Kevin has been waiting to use,? said an insider. ?Kevin said: Divorce that bitch and then get my boys away from her.??

In one tape, Britney slaps Kevin after screaming at him about a weekend he spent in Vegas. In another incident taped Britney whacked Kevin with a frying pan. ?Kevin was going to use the frying pan, but Britney grabbed it and hit him with it when he turned his back,? said the insider. ?He grabbed the pan out of her hand and walked away, but she hurled an ashtray at him. He dodged it, and it hit the sliding glass door.?

In addition to the video tapes, Kevin has voicemail tapes of Britney admitting she was out drinking with friends, the insider revealed. ?Kevin believes that Britney lets the boys run around with dirty diapers because she?s too lazy to change them.?

Robyn Good:
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