Jon Voight Opens Up About ‘Heartbreaking’ Rift With Kids

Jon Voight, who has been estranged for years from his children Angelina Jolie and James Haver, issued an emotional statement Tuesday following Haver’s harsh words in a recent magazine interview:

“I find it very heartbreaking that my children want to paint a bad portrait of me. “I feel that it comes from their inability to let go of years of programmed anger from their mother (the late Marchelin Bertrand) who understandably felt quite hurt when we divorced. “In all truth I tried to give them and their mother continuous love and support and large sums of money.

“God knows for years, I’ve tried to mend this relationship. “Perhaps the trauma of their mother’s passing has made it worse. I continuously send them my heart and love and I’m always available to them for whatever they may need from me.” Source

Annemarie LeBlanc: