The request for Friday’s session was made by Federline’s counsel, Mark Vincent Kaplan, who previously insisted the singer not be allowed to drive when with her kids. Concern was raised after videotape surfaced of Spears allegedly running a red light in Los Angeles on Nov. 8. Her court-appointed monitor was in the car with her sons in the backseat.
“Ms. Spears was being mobbed by paparazzi at the time,” her attorney Sorrell Trope tells PEOPLE. “She was distracted. This was not blatant irresponsible driving on her part.” Trope declined to comment on media reports that the singer recently tested positive for amphetamines.
At their last hearing on Thursday, it was revealed that Spears did not respond in a timely manner to eight of 14 drug-test requests. L.A. Superior Court Commissioner Scott Gordon also remarked that “as much as I’m happy to see both of you (lawyers) in my courtroom” the weekly hearings were becoming extreme. The pop star currently only has monitored access to her kids Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1. She is allowed to have them on two occasions per week, one of those being an overnight.? Source