Lindsay Lohan’s Boyfriend is Not so Innocent…. Or in Other Words the New Kfed


Lindsay Lohan’s new boyfriend, Riley Giles was?engaged to Bree Tierney until recently. When he met Lindsay he?must have though he scored and stopped calling Bree. ?She only?found out about Lindsay?through the tabloids.?Riley just stopped calling Bree and never told her about Lindsay,? Bree?s mom, Tess. ?She found out by seeing photos. It destroyed her.?

?Lindsay may be in danger with Riley.?? says another source. Many believe he is not a good influence.?He escorted Lohan to the Hotel Bar & Nightclub in Salt Lake City the same day she checked out of rehab. Though one witness claims that Lohan drank that night, owner Jordan Harwood insists, ?Her group made it clear they didn?t want any alcohol at the table.?


Robyn Good:
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