Lindsay Lohan’s Pal Reveals Her Lesbian Feud on Myspace

It appears that a “pal” has shopped Lindsay Lohan’s private rehab myspace messages to the media. The recovering star used MySpace to stay in touch with friends while being treated at Promises in Malibu.

Star magazine reports in its next issue that Lohan has 75 friends with access to her private MySpace area, including Lauren Conrad, Nicole Richie, and sister Ali.

Apparently one of those 75 gave the magazine access to “heated” exchanges between Lohan and her openly gay deejay pal, Samantha Ronson. Details of the affectionate correspondence appear under the headline, “Lindsay’s Lesbian Love Letters!”

Lohan allegedly tells Ronson: “Babe, if I don’t have you in my life then I should just go die. … I want to marry you and have children with you.”

Apparently Lindsay isn’t fussy about who changes her name.

“Go to bed babe,” she wrote to her pal late one night.

“I love you. – [signed] Lindsay Ronson.


Robyn Good:
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