Paris Hilton Hits an Elderly Lady With a Cart

Paris Hilton has proved she is more pathetic than we thought. This time Paris Hilton has attacked an elderly women with a shopping cart attack. She was asked to leave a Beverly Hills market after she ordered an elderly female shopper to stop blocking the aisle with her cart.

The elderly woman apparently didn’t hear her and didn’t budge. Paris furiously rammed her cart into her and shrieked, “That’s what you get for being rude and blocking the aisle!”. The poor old was so stunned that she yelled, “You’re the one who’s rude, slamming me with your cart!”

The manager came running, recognized the elderly as a regular, and firmly told Paris to shop elsewhere if she couldn’t act polite and respectful. Paris abandoned her cart with her groceries and stormed out.


Robyn Good:
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