Patrick Ribbsaeter: Basics terms That Every Model Should Know about the Modeling Business

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Each week I give you a backstage pass to all the things I experience daily as a UNIVERSAL PLAYER right here at Celebrity Dirty Laundry. It’s everything about FASHION, PARTIES, MODELS, CELEBRITIES, TRAVEL, FOOD, SHOPPING, WINE and DINING that life has to offers. I’ll show how you can achieve this rare & action-packed life by following my my weekly feature. Of course any questions or comments you have please let me know! Looking forward to guide YOU to a successful career!

1. Open call – means the modeling agency are open to your call to try your luck to become a model.

2. Casting– is when clients, photographers or production houses calls the models from different agencies in your area or worldwide depending on the job.

3. Booking– is when you have been confirmed 100% for a job.

4. Direct booking– is when a client or agency is flying you from another country to another for a job. Direct bookings usually are paid more then normal jobs. It means as well that all of your expenses like (Air ticket, accommodation and food is being paid by the client excluding the budget for the job.

5. Booker– is the person that books you for jobs through clients. Keep regular contact with your bookers at all time. If you can, treat them to lunch, snacks and goodies while visiting the office. Remember without them, you won?t be working very much. I?m sure it will be very much appreciated.

6. Head booker– Is the person who is in Charge of all the bookings of models. Almost like a manager.

7. Go Sees– are when you just have arrived in town to work as a model. The agency is setting you up with meeting to see clients, photographers etc.

8. Call back– is when clients, photographers etc have short listed few interesting models for the project. Try to stay as focus, presentable and as excited as possible when getting a call back.

9. Set card / Comp card – is something all new, aspiring and professional models need to work in the industry. Set card/Comp card is what the agency will send to their clients, photographers and everyone in the industry that could give you work the next week.

10. Portfolio– is the one with all your photos and work that you will present to clients while attending their castings-go-sees and call backs. A great Portfolio takes time to build everybody knows that. That is why it is so important when you get a job to do the best job possible and take every opportunity presented. Be creative and give a lot of constructive input that may help the shoot. Be patient, don?t refuse any option or offer that may improve your portfolio! Don?t miss any opportunity whether you have to do it for free or you are getting paid. Remember, money is not everything ;)

11. Casting Directors– is the person in charge of selecting the right cast/models for the modeling or TV projects. It?s good to keep a close relationship with casting directors as they are the one who can recommend you for work. Keep in close contact with them at all times. A good piece of advice is while meeting Directors have a CD with your all your past work (Commercials, photos and contact details) If they can?t reach you through your agency.

12. Tear sheet– is the work you use for your own portfolio. Magazine works are called tear sheets.

13. Mother Agency– is the one who looks after YOU as a model. A good mother agency always makes sure their models are being presented for work in different markets worldwide. Mother agencies fees are always 10% of the model total gross earnings. It?s important the mother agency is working for your best interest and vice versa, Remember the mother agency is there for you. You are their client and they should treat you like that. But don?t forget to be there for the agency as well. I can honestly say, it is better to be a important model in a smaller agency then a nobody in a big agency. Bigger and more famous modeling agencies always supply their top models first before the rest. I myself freelance model worldwide, and don?t have a mother agency representing me anymore. Part of it because I have createda name for myself in the fashion industry. And it works really well for me!

Feel yourself through the masses of agencies that are available and find what suits you best.

Additionally I have my own modeling agency Ribbsaeter Models and I only charges models 5% of their earnings compare to other mother agencies who charge 10%. I do this because I want to encourage my model and I want them to make more money!

Love, hugs & kisses…

Patrick Ribbsaeter

Universal Player

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