Rod Stewart bans his daughter from Ultimo – but too late..

Underwear brand Ultimo – For Rod Steward A Family AFFAIR!

The firm dumped his wife Penny Lancaster in favour of his ex-wife Rachel Hunter

Big sister Kimberly, 28, already has a contract with the brand.

Ruby, 20, is the fourth of his seven children and is understood to have approached Ultimo and asked to model. But when their father found out about Ruby’s $ 220,000 deal for Ultimo’s Asda range, he ordered work to stop – but she had already completed one of four shoots.

It is not the first time Stewart has had a stand-off with Ultimo’s boss, Michelle Mone. When the firm dumped his wife Penny Lancaster in favour of his ex-wife Rachel Hunter in 2004, he called Mrs Mone a “manipulative cow”. Source

Annemarie LeBlanc: