It is said she was released due to “medical reason.” She has 40 days of hell in her Hollywood mansion. Okay “how stupid do they think we are ?” This story makes me more than sick, she gets more and more pathetic. Paris was apparently suffering from severe panic attacks and depression, where she even became suicidal. Once again Paris proving what A TOTAL JOKE she is. Towards the end of her stay, Paris began, what others call, a nervous breakdown. Her psychiatrist was so concerned for her well (and all the money she was paying him) being they did everything possible to get her to a place in which was comfortable for her and her health. All I can end this with is this is the worst case of Bull I have ever heard. Once again proving, that if you are rich and famous you can more or less get away with anything and worse still you think people will believe this crock of s?!t.. Are you all as disgusted as I am ?