Angelina Jolie On Today Show “Is Baby # 7 On The Way”?

Angelina Jolie appeared on the Today show Thursday the Yummy Mummy of six Jolie admitted she and Brad Pitt are—believe it or not—thinking about adopting another child.   They are starting to remind me of "Old Mother Hubbard lived in a shoe she had so many children, she did not know what to do" but this Mother Jolie has Brad ;-) !

"Yeah," Angelina said with a smile when the subject was brought up by Matt Lauer. "I have something in mind."

As for how soon she would add to her brood, the actress, who gave birth three months ago to twins Vivienne and Knox, says, "It depends. You can’t even start the process until any new children are 6 months old…to see what you can absorb into a new family—and I think that’s a smart thing anyway, to understand when to bring another child in."   But if and when another sibling should arrive, Angie says the others—Maddox, 6, Pax, 4, Zahara, 3, and Shiloh, 2—would have no problems adjusting.   "We have so many children that they’re not really stunned anymore when kids come home."

Robyn Good:
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