Heather Mills Being Sued For Sexual Discrimination & Intimidation

LMAO Heather Mills is being sued by her nanny Sara Trumble.  Apparently Heather is a slavedriver and made Sara word late blow-dry Heather’s hair and even give the former model naked spray tans.    Paul McCartney must be getting a good laugh about this.  Last week a  constructive dismissal claim was lodged with an employment tribunal.

Unless Heather wants to go back to court and have her Dirty Laundry aired in public again she and Sara must come to a negotiated settlement.  Sara was hired to look after Beatrice, Heather’s daughter with ex-husband Sir Paul McCartney.   Sara & Heather were friends until after Heather’s divorce.

Sara resigned in September and, after an argument with Heather, refused to work her notice. A spokesman for Heather said yesterday: “This claim will be vigorously defended.”   Heather has so far refused to make an out-of-court settlement with Sara.

Robyn Good: