Jordan Sparks Says “All Girls Are Sluts” Who Are Not Virgins!

The biggest faux pas of the evening has to go to Jordan Sparks,  when she was supposed to be giving an award she went a bit postal and made the remark "it’s ok to wear promise rings, and not all the girls want to be sluts ", while her co-presenter squirmed.  Apparenly she said it because of Russell Brand’s comment about the Jonas Brothers wearing promise rings.  Apparently Jordan wears a promise ring as well.  Please give me a break that virginity thing has been done to death.  It was done with Britney (and clearly was not true) and now we are hearing it again.

Jordan implying that most "girls are slut" is sure to get a tirade against her started on the internet.  Way to go Jordan!

The interesting thing about the "whole tempest in a teapot is" Someone made Russell Brand apologize.  Can’t you just see the MTV legal staff and higher ups immediately telling him to apologize because they could smell a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Robyn Good: