Michael Lohan Should Just Shut Up Already!

Michael Lohan has just sent this to X17 about a story that Lindsay thinks he "needs to be on medication" .  There is something seriously wrong with this man.  What kind of father things that the way to speak to his daughter is through the media.  I am not  a Lohan fan – but no one deserves a father like this.  Someone should tell him to SHUT UP!

"Being That this statement was most likely, made by Lindsay’s pubicist, Leslie Sloane, I , as should everyone, take it with a grain of salt since and realize that what Leslie says is laced with lies. tell me, do picutres lie? Are all the eye witness accounts, the text message and the recordings I have false? Just look at the most recent reports of Lindsay and Samantha in In Touch, The Star and even as late as last night (Sept 25th) in LA. Mind you, this was after the articles in Page Six! So tell me, who is out of control? Who is on and needs medication? And who needs retraining [sic] orders from who? If anyone, Lindsay needs restraining orders from Samantha, the people enabling her and leading her down this dark path who are destoying [sic] her life , her career and causing her harm. I was in LA for 2 weeks and never even tried to see Lindsay other than to call her lawyer and send her "positive words" of advice.If anyone needs to be concerned , it’s me! The comments made by Lindsay’s advisors are ridiculous. But mark my words, things will NOT get better for Lindsay until she rids herself of the people around her who have come back in her life, since her release from Cirque Lodge. People need to stop sucking up to her to stay on her good side, and do what’s right for her well being, NOT their own.Until then, I am going to sit back and let GOD do His work."