New Pics & Video Threaten to Torpedo Amy’s Career

The damning scenes were filmed by her husband Blake Fielder-Civil, who is in prison facing trial for GBH and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. NOTW was handed the explosive material by a former friend determined to show the world just what power Blake wields in manipulating the vulnerable young star. In a sequence shot around May 2007—weeks after the couple eloped to wed in Miami—they are in a dingy crack den with Delboy-style bamboo patterned wallpaper. Amy, and a pal called Sarah giggle as they sing a string of racist lines set to the tune of kiddies’ favourite ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’.

As the camera pans back we see a coffee table in front of Amy. On it are SIX cigarette lighters and what appears to be HEROIN on a foil—a typical druggie scene set for "chasing the dragon" by heating the drug from below then inhaling the smoke through a tube.  

Some of the most bizarre photos show Blake and Amy horsing around on a bed, their faces almost touching, and swapping white tablets from mouth to mouth.

Source: NOTW More Pics & Another Video HERE

Robyn Good:
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