Russia says “No, No” To Episode Of South Park

An episode of South Park has been labelled as extremist by Russian prosecutors, who have issued a warning to the Russian TV station that broadcast it.

The Prosecutor General’s Office did not identify which episode its investigators found objectionable, but said it "offends the honour and dignity of Christians and Muslims and insults the feelings of believers irrespective of their faith". 

RIA-Novosti quoted the head of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians, Konstantin Bendas, as saying prosecutors should ban the South Park cartoons on the grounds that they contain "covert and overt propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia as norms of sexual life".

Earlier this year, some Russian Protestant leaders asked for the channel’s broadcasting licence to be revoked, the agency said.

Yoo Hoo Russia, you guys need to lighten up a bit, Rusia is not a communist state anymore.  People are suppose to get a choice of what they want to watch.  South Park is a funny satire that makes fun of everyone!  Source

Robyn Good: