We Love Athletes – We Hate Witch Hunts

Top Republican – Rep. Tom Davis – on the congressional committee investigating whether Roger Clemons used performance enhancing drugs say that the Democratic majority’s conclusion appears doubtful. In his 109 page report what Rep. Davis believes could challenge the credibility of Brian McNamee, the personal trainer who testified under oath that he injected Clemens with steroids and human growth hormone from 1998-01.Republican staff from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will pass along additional information to the Justice Department. The FBI is investigating whether Clemens lied to Congress.

“Did Roger Clemens lie to us?” Davis said in a release accompanying the report. “Some of the evidence seems to say he did; other information suggests he told the truth,” the Virginia Republican said. “It’s a far more complicated picture than some may want to believe. Memories fade and recollections differ. That’s human nature, not criminal conduct. My concern is the integrity of sworn statements made to Congress. At this point, the Justice Department is best equipped to investigate that central question and reach a fair conclusion.”

Good for Rep Davis – Good for Clemons – Good for America! Stop the witch hunt – leave the athletes alone. Steroids are good medicines used to treat many conditions including burns, wasting diseases, traumatic injuries, chronic pain, etc. The fact that they can help an athlete recover more quickly from injuries and the stress of sport and perhaps extend his playing life are reasons to LOVE steroids and HGH. It is a good thing to use the products of science to bring out our best – this is called progress. Sports equipment and training methods evolve and so do nutritional knowledge and medicines – as they should. It is normal and correct for athletes to use the available science to optimize their performance. The idea that performance with steroids is ‘fake’ is absurd. You and I can take all the steroids we can find and we will never hit a single Major League homer or strike out a single major League batter. All that steroids do is bring out the best in an athlete – and people deserve the legal right to do and feel their best.

Every second Hollywood star is taking steroids and/or HGH – just look at Stallone’s latest film or any of the miraculous mid-life physique changes we see on stars such as Mark Wahlberg or Sean Penn. Good for them too! Make the most of your life – be the best you can be – and if a little “juice” is what is needed then so be it. Source