Whitney’s Past Drug Use Has Damaged Her Vocal Cords

Diva Whitney Houston’s highly-anticipated comeback album was delayed by an unforeseen problem.

Her years of drug abuse had ravaged her vocal cords so badly that when she hit the studio she sounded less like The Greatest Voice Of All and move like Mavis the karaoke queen down your local. She couldn’t even hold the high notes of her own song I Will Always Love You.

So top music industry exec Clive Davis insisted she have singing lessons. But we’re glad to tell something clearly worked – she sounds pitch perfect on the new record. A source said: "She was smoking a lot and taking a lot of drugs. Her voice was almost unrecognisable. Thousands have been shelled out to train her back up to the original.

"But now she sounds terrific – she is going to blow everybody away. The yet-to-benamed album is out on November 10.

Robyn Good: