President-elect Barack Obama’s two young daughters have been invited to appear on "Hannah Montana," actor Billy Ray Cyrus said an interview aired on Monday. Billy Ray had asked Malia, 10, and Sasha Obama, 7, to take part in an episode possibly around April.
"They probably will. The invitation is there," Cyrus told Access Hollywood in an interview. "You know the ‘Hannah Montana’ film comes out in April. Maybe something might happen around then." Pressed for details, Cyrus said; "I can’t, I can’t. I have got to keep a secret."
Barak has said in interviews that Malia is a big fan of "Hannah Montana," but he has shielded the girls from the media and it remains to be seen whether they will want their daughters to take part in the show. This should be a tough one for Barak ;-) how to say no to Malia being on her favorite television show ;-)