Andy Milonakis who played the role of a young boy on his television show, The Andy Milonakis Show made his way into Katsuya restaurant in Los Angeles, California on October 20, 2009. Andy showed off his large bag of weed to the photographers as he made his way in and the shared the love with a less fortunate man near by.
The Andy Milonakis Show was played on MTV and MTV2 channels. Milonakis has a congenital growth-hormone condition that gives him the outward appearance and voice of an adolescent boy, when he is in fact an adult. In his high school years Andy used comedy as a means to handle being made fun of. "Humor is a great defense mechanism," Andy Milonakis says. "If you’re a serious, fat, young-looking kid, you’re not going to be the most popular guy in high school." Photos: Fame Pictures