Sources are saying that Britney Spears will cancel her upcoming tour if K-Fed’s lawyers continue to block an agreement allowing her to take the kids on the road. Apparently for weeks, Britney, K-Fed & Jamie Spears have been privately trying to work out a plan to let the kids travel with Britney while she goes on tour. The plan is to have homes in three bases — New Jersey, New Orleans and Los Angeles. Sean Preston and Jayden James would stay in one of these three bases and mom would commute back and forth while doing concerts in each region.
More news believe it or not Britney will pay Kevin in excess of $4,000 a week for each week she’s on tour. Apparently K-Fed’s lawyers got wind of the deal and are not to pleased and it is uncertain whether he will stand up to them. TMZ is reporting that Britney will cancel the tour if she can’t take her kids.
UPDATE: Mark Vincent Kaplan, K-Fed’s lawyer, says neither he nor Kevin want to interfere with Brit’s career. He says it could have been handled better if Jamie and company would have "manned up" and had Kevin got the benefit of his lawyers to protect his position. Kaplan says he’s going to present his own wording of the deal, but thinks they’ll work it out.