Christian Bale Audio Of Rampage Released!

Last summer, a report surfaced that days before he was arrested on allegations of assault in London while promoting “The Dark Knight,” Christian Bale had lashed out verbally against a crew member on the set of “Terminator Salvation.” And today, a new tape from the reported July 2008 incident has emerged, allegedly featuring the actor screaming, shouting and using profanity at the “Terminator Salvation” Director of Photography, Shane Hurlbut.

In the tape, posted on TMZ, a man said to be Bale was allegedly recorded as he ranted at Hurlbut, after the DP walked on to the set, and within Bale’s view, as the actor was filming with his “Terminator Salvation” co-star, Bryce Dallas Howard.

“I want you off the f***ing set, you pr***,” Christian reportedly says at the start of the audio recording, which TMZ reported was sent to the insurance company by the film’s executives in case the actor didn’t finish filming the movie.

“I’m sorry,” Hurlbut reportedly replies. “No, don’t just be sorry. Think for one f***king second,” Bale reportedly shouts. “What the f*** are you doing? Are you a professional or not?”

Allegedly recorded at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, the man said to be Bale appears to grow angrier in the audio recording as Hurlbut replies to him in a calm tone, “Yes, I am.”   “No, no. Am I gonna f***ing rip your lights down in the middle of the scene? Then why the f***are you walking right through, ‘Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh,’ in the background,” the man said to be Bale, sing-songs. “What the f*** is it with you? What the f*** don’t you understand?”

As the audio continues on, a host of unknown parties chime in, in what appears to be an attempt to cool the man down. “Take a minute,” an unknown male on the set says. “You got any f***ing idea about… Hey, it’s f***ing distracting having somebody walking up behind Bryce [Dallas Howard] in the middle of the f***ing scene,” Bale reportedly continues. “Give me a f***ing answer. What don’t you get about it?”

As Bale reportedly appears to grow angrier, he turns his attention to “Terminator: Salvation” director, McG, who is known by his cast and crew as simply, G.  “Look G,” Bale reportedly says, “You got f***ing something to say to this pr***?”  “I didn’t see it happen,” a voice believed to be that of McG responds coolly.

“Well, somebody should be f***ing watching him and keeping an eye on him,” Bale reportedly states. Bale reportedly goes on to claim that the interruption is the second of its kind and is tough on him as an actor.

“I’m trying to do a f***ing scene here and I’m going, why the f*** is Shane walking in there. What’s he doing there? Do you understand my mind is not in the scene if you’re doing that,” Bale reportedly says. “I absolutely apologize. I did not mean anything by it,” Hurlbut reportedly states. Bale reportedly then warns Hurlbut to stay out of sight, before ordering the scene to begin again. An unknown party, however, suggests they instead, “Take a minute.”

Later, when the man said to be Hurlbut attempts to explain why he wandered into Bale’s area of view on set, the actor appears to grow even angrier, as a commotion is heard.   “I’m gonna f***ing kick your f***ing ass,” Bale reportedly says as a commotion starts up and a host of unknown parties sound as if they are attempting to calm the actor down by calling him by his first name.

“I’m gonna, do you want me to go and trash your lights?” Bale reportedly continues with a raised voice. “Do you want me to go and trash them? Then why are you trashing my scene?”   “I’m not trying to trash your,” Hurlbut reportedly begins to respond before being interrupted.

You are trashing my scene. You do it one more f***ing time and I ain’t walking on the set if you’re still hired. I’m serious. I’m f***ing serious,” Bale reportedly states. “You’re a nice guy, you’re a nice guy, but that won’t f***ing cut it when you’re bulls******ng and f***ing around like this on set.”   “Seriously, you and me man, we’re f***ing done professionally,” Bale reportedly adds as the tape ends.

Sounds like Christian Bale’s ego has the best of him guhhh replulsive!