Courtney Love Has Epic Facebook Meltdown!

Courtney Love is ranting about on Edward Norton, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan & TMZ – she really is nuts.  She got rid of her twitter but now she is ranting on her facebook fanpage.

Whack job Countney has begun hurling accusations at  celebrities, and it isn’t pretty.   Clearly Courtney is out of control, she is probably stoned.  Somehow I think that is not going to matter and she is going to be hearing from a few lawyers very soon or maybe they will just feel sorry for her the lady is clearly disturbed – they need to lock her up and throw away the key

Below are a few excerpts from her homepage:

Edward Norton

IF something happens to me, NO my will is NOT at Greenberg Glusker, that will is FORGERY…i created a new one per lISA FERGUSONs attorney who cannot be FOUND but that needs altering as it has Edward in it and Norton doesn’t have a CLUE how evil his own BM is he wont fuck a future Senator/Film Actor but hell purposfully refinance Kim Cobains Property i bought her cash outright, for the 12th time using a phony address due to some fuck up on some Bogus “ART FORM OF THE CH 13” R TODD used, leavng KIM COBAINS PROPERTY REPOS…SESED< “you have an hour to get your things” wtf did Kim Cobain do to YOU… so its best to never tell let alone kiss and trell i m shcoked at myself i never kiss and tell unless im really mad at an ex for like LOSING 300,000$ of my kid hes supposed to be paternal abouts money, oh yeah Norton just LOST 300k.

Norton doesn’t have a CLUE how evil his own BM is he wont fuck a future Senator/Film Actor but hell purposfully refinance Kim Cobains Property i bought her cash outright, for the 12th time using a phony address due to some fuck up on some Bogus "ART FORM OF THE CH 13" R TODD used, leavng KIM COBAINS PROPERTY REPOSSESED< "you have an hour to get your things" wtf did Kim Cobain do to YOU

Britney Spears

britneys dad molested her , imagine the father that molested you owning you for slavery while your forced to sing songs picked for thier sexual content every night, insane right? i have it on First had authority, and fight as hard as she is and does she still didnt pull that card, its a pride thing i can relate to, However they want to play dirty, lets go, Im SO not affraid of the little trolls who hit this when i was fucked up who are called lawyers. lets GO. 

Lindsay Lohan

DISGUSTING! lohans rapist convict daddy is trying to put her under this Consvatorship shit and guess where her money is,,,,, without her knowledge and PBOC>  theres not much money from lohan but i hink its power rather than money and i think thos cosvertorship shit will become common


tmz gives macs bugs and its gross anyway who needs tmz its run by and for lawyers/ ha fucking ha ha

Photo: Fame Pictures

Robyn Good:
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