Categories: Facebook

Facebook Has “Kill Obama Poll” – Murder of Elected Officials Is Obviously Wrong – Not Funny!

There apparently is a Facebook site that asks if "Obama should be killed" and then gives multiple choice answers. This is not right – facebook should not allow the promotion, even if made in jest, of killing the President. We have the right to vote for others, to be very active in fighting Obama, or even to move out of the USA if we hate Obama and his policies seriously enough. But we live in a representative democracy and if we suggest violence as a means for changing our leaders and representatives then we risk losing or at least undermining the fairest and most successful form of government the world has known. There are many reasons that the USA is the best country in the world but first amongst these are our system of government including regular and fair elections, the separation of powers between executive, legislative and judicial, and the sanctity of an underlying constitution.

I don’t think a poll such as this one is funny, cute, or even legal. It is exactly the sort of thing that Liberals claim the Far Right promotes and I dearly hope that the Secret Service finds out that it is a Liberal group who has set up the poll to make the Right look bad!  Source: Grow A Brain Idiot

Robyn Good: