So it seems that over-sexed gnome Roman "Iike to F*!k young girls" Polanski is trying to every way possible to worm his guilty ass out of the possibility of actually paying for his crime. Now his lawyers are trying to get a California Appeals Court to force a Judge to rule on dismissing the rape case. The legal intricacies aside, it is a black eye for Hollywood when one of its well respected (talk about oxymorons!) artistes attempts any and every trick to finagle his way out of actually appearing in court and being sentenced for a reduced count of the crime he basically admits to doing. The black eye is not because Polanski is a rapist and pedophile but because of the widespread support amongst leading Hollywood professionals this repulsively ugly monster has generated since his arrest in Switzerland.
What message do Polanski’s supporters believe they give by their unquestioning support? That its okay to drug and rape children? Is there some other hidden meaning that escapes simple non-elite people like myself? This is not a charge of marijuana use or sodomy or even homosexuality for example – behaviours of which the criminality is absent in my mind – but were or even still are criminal in certain jurisdictions. This is cold-blooded rape – and rape of a child at that – assisted by plying the youth with champagne and hard drugs (Quaalude) – Wow! When was that an ‘okay’ thing to do? Photo: Fame Pictures