Good for him! Lately I’ve been hard on (no pun intended) Levi choosing to make fun of him and belittle his grab for fame and fortune by using his relationship with the Palin family. I have reconsidered – this is an ambitious young man who naturally went for the most desirable girl around, The Governor’s Daughter, and got her, big time! Now he is riding the publicity surrounding Sarah Palin and hers daughter’s embarrassing pregnancy to project himself into the public eye. And why not?
Sarah Palin has used her nomination as the Republican Party’s Vice Presidential Candidate to write a book and go on highly paid speaking tours – raking in millions of dollars and resigning the Governorship in the process – showing clearly what is more important to her – the people she represented or making tons of money. Well Levi does not have to choose between being a Dad to Tripp and a media star – in fact his ability to do well by his child is enhanced by his increased fame and fortune. He is great looking kid with plenty of candor and lots of spunk. Maybe he is not the brainiest Alaskan to ever shoot a bear but then again neither is his potential Mother-In-Law, Sarah Palin.