Michael Jackson Memorial costs L.A. $1.4 Million

Everyone knew that Michael Jackson’s memorial would be huge, but the city wasn’t ready for it to be $1.4 million huge.

L.A. spent a large sum of $1.4 million on security, traffic control and other services for the king of pop’s memorial service, according to city officials.
Of the $1.4 million, $1.1 million was spent on overtime for the 4,173 police officers who protected the Staples Center, Forest Lawn cemetery and other areas where gigantic crowds swarmed. Money also was given for traffic control and cleanup.

City officials would like the cost to be smaller and are looking to somehow cut the high pricetag, including ideas such as third parties being forced legally to pay some of the bill, and setting up a Web site urging fans to make tax-deductible donations to help out.

Contributions have reached $17,000, but unfortunately were sent back for technical problems.

Robyn Good:
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