Pink thinks she loves animals and wants them ethically treated – whatever that means. I guess it the end of chicken-a-la-king and burgers for us once Pink is appointed boss of the world. Anyway, she thinks that Price William should give up fox hunting since she finds this sport cruel and she also mentioned that he is "like a Redneck from the South." She also wrote to the Queen explaining how the bearskin hats of the guards could be replaced with fake fur bonnets designed by Stella McCartney. Okay – so we see that Pink is amazingly ignorant – no surprise here.
Tell me, what is worse, a few dozen fox being hunted and killed each year in the UK or hundreds of thousands of children each year being killed by preventable diseases and malnutrition/starvation in the world’s poorest nations through plain indifference on the part of their leaders and rulers? While we are at it also tell me what it worse, bearskin hats on the Queens guards or thousands of Eastern European women being kidnapped, bought and sold as sex slaves in the illicit sex trade in Western countries? Okay Pink – grow a brain and if you have nothing intelligent to say then be quiet! Photo: Fame Pictures