The Copenhagen Conference To+- Leave Carbon Footprint the Size of Morocco’s in 2006!!!!!

It would be too funny if it were not so disgusting – the 16,000 fakes who are going to work at making the rest of the planet live a sparer lifestyle that wastes less energy and causes less pollution is a climate hazard all on its own.  The representatives from Europe who could take energy efficient trains to Denmark have all chosen to fly first class gas guzzling expensive jets. But wait, instead of dining on environmentally sound soy beans and oats these climate gurus will be dining on caviar – can you believe it?   While the rare beluga sturgeon rushes towards extinction our fearless pollution pundits will be eating their super expensive salted eggs.

The list of hypocrisy goes on and on –  Prince Charles flies around the world in his exclusive private jet to lecture the rest of us slobs on how to be more environmentally friendly – LOL.   Rather than use public transportation the nature lovers at the conference have ordered over 1200 limousines to get from their 5 star hotels to conference meeting rooms which are often across the street from the luxury hotels. These limousines are being driven many hundreds of miles to get to Copenhagen – as we say in Yiddish "these fools are fooling nobody."

Dr. Jody Overland: