Tiger Woods To Retire From Competitive Golf?

Well it seems as though Tiger Woods is all done with Golf. In an absurd attempt to get sympathy after being a complete lowlife for a period of years with many different women Tiger said he was taking a break from professional golf in order to heal his family. I see things differently. Woods cares not a hoot for his family as his multiple betrayals over several years and with many mistresses indicate clearly. A man who cares about his family can not devote the time and effort Woods did to being a licentious playboy – sleeping with who knows how many cheap party sluts and then bringing that into his bed with his lovely wife Elin. 

On the contrary Woods’ concern is for himself and his career. The brains who run his enterprise have explained to Tiger that he can’t really stand to be in the public eye now. Basically all of his sponsors have up and left – dumping him as fast as a people run from a leper colony. The largest share of his income by far is through endorsements and nobody wants to be endorsed by a lecherous fool whose supposed ‘lovers’ can’t sell his private communications with them fast enough. Not only is Tiger’s behavior revolting but so is his judgment. The women with whom he consorted and for whom he sacrificed his wife and family don’t have a shred of loyalty or love for him.

Two weeks ago when a stoned Tiger Woods jumped into his Cadillac and took off with his wife chasing him with a golf club (talk about irony) and crashed his vehicle he probably didn’t realize that he had just destroyed his career. But the subsequent lies, deception, and refusal to be open with police combined with over one dozen sleazy women coming forth and claiming mistress status were too much even for Tiger’s management team to suppress. It makes you wonder how our fearless media failed to pick up on any of this until they basically had no choice – until it was thrust in everyone’s face. Our media managed to learn every detail about Sarah Palin and her family in roughly 12 seconds but somehow the biggest sports celeb of our time managed to carry on multiple affairs without a single reporter finding out???? Something is fishy, don’t you think?

Robyn Good:
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